
This site is to provide additional information and other resources not readily available on the FTDNA Ralston Surname Project page.

The Ralston Project is for people named Ralston, Rolston, Roulston, Raulston, or similar. When we use the name “Ralston” it is to be taken as inclusive of all the variations of spelling. One of our goals is to help clarify Ralston genealogy to find common ancestors and origins of today’s Ralstons.

The primary focus of the Ralston Surname Project is to help those who have completed a yDNA test at FTDNA and believe they have a patrilineal (father’s father) descent from a Ralston (or variants such as Raulston, Rolston, Roulston, etc.) family.

Because there are relatively few Ralstons in the world, as compared to other surnames that arose in the UK, it may eventually be possible to trace them all, with the help of yDNA, and as more historical records are digitized and made available online.

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